اتْلُ مَا أُوحِيَْ 996 لقمان
وَإِذْ قَالَ لُقْمَانُ لِابْنِهِ وَهُوَ يَعِظُهُ يَا بُنَيَّ لَا تُشْرِكْ بِاللَّهِ إِنَّ الشِّرْكَ لَظُلْمٌ عَظِيمٌ ﴿۱۳﴾ وَوَصَّيْنَا الْإِنْسَانَ بِوَالِدَيْهِ حَمَلَتْهُ أُمُّهُ وَهْنًا عَلَى وَهْنٍ وَفِصَالُهُ فِي عَامَيْنِ أَنِ اشْكُرْ لِي وَلِوَالِدَيْكَ إِلَيَّ الْمَصِيرُ ﴿
﴾13﴿ Wa iz qaala luqmaanu libnihee wa huwa ya'izuhoo ya bunaiya laa tushrik billaah; innash shirka lazulmun 'azeem
﴾14﴿ Wa wassainal insaana bi waalidaihi hamalat hu ummuhoo wahnan 'alaa wahninw wa fisaaluhoo fee 'aamaini anishkur lee wa liwaalidaika ilaiyal maseer
﴾13﴿ And when Luqman said to his son, while advising him: O my dear son, do not associate partners with Allah. Indeed, associating partners with Allah is a great injustice
﴾14﴿ And We enjoined upon man for his parents. His mother carried him, weakness upon weakness, and his weaning is in two years. , Be grateful to Me and to your parents; to Me is the return