وَاعْلَمُوا 435 التوبة
وَلَا عَلَى الَّذِينَ إِذَا مَا أَتَوْكَ لِتَحْمِلَهُمْ قُلْتَ لَا أَجِدُ مَا أَحْمِلُكُمْ عَلَيْهِ تَوَلَّوْا وَأَعْيُنُهُمْ تَفِيضُ مِنَ الدَّمْعِ حَزَنًا أَلَّا يَجِدُوا مَا يُنْفِقُونَ ﴿۹۲﴾ إِنَّمَا السَّبِيلُ عَلَى الَّذِينَ يَسْتَأْذِنُونَكَ وَهُمْ أَغْنِيَاءُ رَضُوا بِأَنْ يَكُونُوا مَعَ الْخَوَالِفِ وَطَبَعَ اللَّهُ عَلَى قُلُوبِهِمْ فَهُمْ لَا يَعْلَمُونَ ﴿۹۳﴾
﴾92﴿ Wa laa 'alal lazeena izaa maaa atawka litahmilahum qulta laaa ajidu maaa ahmilukum 'alaihi tawallaw wa a'yunuhum tafeedu minaddam'i hazanan allaa yajidoo maa yunfiqoon
﴾93﴿ Innamas sabeelu 'alal lazeena yasta'zinoonaka wa hum aghniyaaa'; radoo biany-yakoonoo ma'al khawaalifi wa taba'al laahu 'alaa quloobihim fahum laa ya'lamoon
﴾92﴿ And there is no sin on those who, when they came to you to give them mounts, then you said, I cannot find anything to ride you on So they returned, their eyes streaming with tears from grief, because they could not find what to spend
﴾93﴿ Indeed, there is blame on those who ask your permission (to refrain from Jihad) while they are wealthy They are happy to be with those who remain behind, and Allah Almighty has placed a seal on their hearts, but they do not know