تِلْكَ الرُّسُلُ 125 آل عمران

وَمِنْ أَهْلِ الْكِتَابِ مَنْ إِنْ تَأْمَنْهُ بِقِنْطَارٍ يُؤَدِّهِ إِلَيْكَ وَمِنْهُمْ مَنْ إِنْ تَأْمَنْهُ بِدِينَارٍ لَا يُؤَدِّهِ إِلَيْكَ إِلَّا مَا دُمْتَ عَلَيْهِ قَائِمًا ذَلِكَ بِأَنَّهُمْ قَالُوا لَيْسَ عَلَيْنَا فِي الْأُمِّيِّينَ سَبِيلٌ وَيَقُولُونَ عَلَى اللَّهِ الْكَذِبَ وَهُمْ يَعْلَمُونَ ﴿۷۵﴾ بَلَى مَنْ أَوْفَى بِعَهْدِهِ وَاتَّقَى فَإِنَّ اللَّهَ يُحِبُّ الْمُتَّقِينَ ﴿۷۶﴾ إِنَّ الَّذِينَ يَشْتَرُونَ بِعَهْدِ اللَّهِ وَأَيْمَانِهِمْ ثَمَنًا قَلِيلًا أُولَئِكَ لَا خَلَاقَ لَهُمْ فِي الْآخِرَةِ وَلَا يُكَلِّمُهُمُ اللَّهُ وَلَا يَنْظُرُ إِلَيْهِمْ يَوْمَ الْقِيَامَةِ وَلَا يُزَكِّيهِمْ وَلَهُمْ عَذَابٌ أَلِيمٌ ﴿۷۷﴾ وَإِنَّ مِنْهُمْ لَفَرِيقًا يَلْوُونَ أَلْسِنَتَهُمْ بِالْكِتَابِ لِتَحْسَبُوهُ مِنَ الْكِتَابِ وَمَا هُوَ مِنَ الْكِتَابِ وَيَقُولُونَ هُوَ مِنْ عِنْدِ اللَّهِ وَمَا هُوَ مِنْ عِنْدِ اللَّهِ وَيَقُولُونَ عَلَى اللَّهِ الْكَذِبَ وَهُمْ يَعْلَمُونَ ﴿۷۸﴾

﴾75﴿ Wa min Ahlil Kitaabi man in ta'manhu biqintaariny yu'addihee ilaika wa minhum man in ta'manhu bi deenaarin laa yu'addiheee ilaika illaa maa dumta 'alaihi qaaa' imaa; zaalika biannahum qaaloo laisa 'alainaa fil ummiyyeena sabeelunw wa yaqooloona 'alal laahil kaziba wa hum ya'lamoon
﴾76﴿ Balaa man awfaa bi'ahdihee wattaqaa fainnal laaha yuhibbul muttaqeen
﴾77﴿ Innal lazeena yashtaroona bi'ahdil laahi wa aymaanihim samanan qaleelan ulaaa'ika laa khalaaqa lahum fil Aakhirati wa laa yukallimuhumul laahu wa laa yanzuru ilaihim Yawmal Qiyaamati wa laa yuzakkeehim wa lahum 'azabun 'aleem
﴾78﴿ Wa inna minhum lafaree qany yalwoona alsinatahum bil Kitaabi litahsaboohu minal Kitaab, wa maa huwa minal Kitaabi wa yaqooloona huwa min 'indillaahi wa maa huwa min 'indillaahi wa yaqooloona 'alal laahil kaziba wa hum ya'lamoon

﴾75﴿ And some of the People of the Book are those when lend them a great treasure, they will return to you, And some of them are that if you lend a dinar, he will not return it to you unless you stand on it (before him), This is because they say that there is no sin on us regarding the wealth of illitrates And they say lies against Allah, the Most High, while they know
﴾76﴿ (This is not the case) Rather, whoever fulfills his promise and fears Allah Almighty, then Allah Almighty loves the pious
﴾77﴿ Those who buy a small price (which is this world) by the promise of Allah Almighty and their oaths, they will not have any benefit (of reward) in the Hereafter, And Allah Almighty will not speak to them, nor will He look towards them on the Day of Judgment, nor will He purify them, and the painful punishment will be for them
﴾78﴿ And indeed among them there is a group who twist their tongues reading the book so that you think it is from the book of Allah Almighty, And it is not from the Book of Allah Almighty, and they say it is from Allah Almighty, and it is not from Allah Almighty, and they say a lie against Allah, even though they know it

[75] In this statement, the fifth ugliness of them is mentioned, that they consider the property of the illitrates as halal for themselves, in any way they get it, and they attribute its halal to Allah, and in these two types, the People of the Book are mentioned (1) Followers of truth (2) Followers of falsehood - (بِقِنْطَارٍ) (biqintaarin) It is said to the big treasure it is size is not fixexd, (إِلَّا مَا دُمْتَ عَلَيْهِ قَائِمًا) (illaa maa dumta 'alaihi qaaa' imaa), it means that he demands it whenever he wants and chases him, (لَيْسَ عَلَيْنَا فِي الْأُمِّيِّينَ) (laisa 'alainaa fil ummiyyeena) The meaning is that eating their property (illitrates) is considered halal -
[76] In this he mentions the followers of the truth. and he has mentioned two of their attributes, (بِعَهْدِهِ) (bi'ahdihee): those covenants that are in the Torah or the general covenants of Allah, the Most High, are meant -
[77] In this verse, there is a fear of the hereafter for those who prefer the world to the Book of Allah, the Exalted, and achieve the world with false oaths, (بِعَهْدِ اللَّهِ) (bi'ahdil laahi) The decrees of Allah Almighty and the books of Allah Almighty, (ثَمَنًا قَلِيلًا) (samanan qaleelan) This means the whole world and all things because it is insignificant compared to the religion of Allah Almighty, (خَلَاقَ) (khalaaqa) This means the share of good, (وَلَا يُكَلِّمُهُمُ اللَّهُ وَلَا يَنْظُرُ) The meaning of this is speaking and looking mercy and kindness (La Yazakiyhem), the meaning of this is to cleanse from sins and protect from punishment -
[78] In this statement, their ninth ugliness is with the punishment that they distort in the way of li'-ul-lasan (twisting the tongue) or read their own words as the weight of God's words and attribute it to Allah Almighty, Another thing that they distort the words is that they read Al-Af in Ra'ana, and now the deniers of the Prophet's humanity read like this, (إِنَّ مَااَنَا بَشَرٌ مِّثْلُکُمْ) (innamaaa ana basharun mislukum) That is, they read آنَّ (inna) apart from ما (maaa) and read ما (maaa) for negation -