إِلَيْهِ يُرَدَُّ 1216 الجاثية
وَخَلَقَ اللَّهُ السَّمَاوَاتِ وَالْأَرْضَ بِالْحَقِّ وَلِتُجْزَى كُلُّ نَفْسٍ بِمَا كَسَبَتْ وَهُمْ لَا يُظْلَمُونَ ﴿۲۲﴾ أَفَرَأَيْتَ مَنِ اتَّخَذَ إِلَهَهُ هَوَاهُ وَأَضَلَّهُ اللَّهُ عَلَى عِلْمٍ وَخَتَمَ عَلَى سَمْعِهِ وَقَلْبِهِ وَجَعَلَ عَلَى بَصَرِهِ غِشَاوَةً فَمَنْ يَهْدِيهِ مِنْ بَعْدِ اللَّهِ أَفَلَا تَذَكَّرُونَ ﴿۲۳﴾ وَقَالُوا مَا هِيَ إِلَّا حَيَاتُنَا الدُّنْيَا نَمُوتُ وَنَحْيَا وَمَا يُهْلِكُنَا إِلَّا الدَّهْرُ وَمَا لَهُمْ بِذَلِكَ مِنْ عِلْمٍ إِنْ هُمْ إِلَّا يَظُنُّونَ ﴿۲۴﴾
﴾22﴿ Wa khalaqal laahus samaawaati wal arda bilhaqqi wa litujzaa kullu nafsim bimaa kasabat wa hum laa yuzlamoon
﴾23﴿ Afara'ayta manit takhaza ilaahahoo hawaahu wa adal lahul laahu 'alaa 'ilminw wa khatama 'alaa sam'ihee wa qalbihee wa ja'ala 'alaa basarihee ghishaawatan famany yahdeehi mim ba'dil laah; afalaa tazakkaroon
﴾24﴿ Wa qaaloo maa hiya illaa hayaatunad dunyaa namootu wa nahyaa wa maa yuhlikunaaa illad dahr; wa maa lahum bizaalika min 'ilmin in hum illaayazunnoon
﴾22﴿ And Allah has created the heavens and the earth in truth so that every soul may be recompensed for what it has done, and they will not be wronged
﴾23﴿ Do you see the one who has taken his own desires as his god, and whom Allah has led astray despite knowledge, sealing his hearing and his heart and placing a veil over his eyes? Who then can guide him after Allah has led him astray? Will they not then take heed
﴾24﴿ And they say, There is nothing but our worldly life; we die and we live, and nothing destroys us except time. Yet they have no knowledge of this; they only speculate