وَمَا أُبَرِّئٍُ 567 الرعد

جَنَّاتُ عَدْنٍ يَدْخُلُونَهَا وَمَنْ صَلَحَ مِنْ آبَائِهِمْ وَأَزْوَاجِهِمْ وَذُرِّيَّاتِهِمْ وَالْمَلَائِكَةُ يَدْخُلُونَ عَلَيْهِمْ مِنْ كُلِّ بَابٍ ﴿۲۳﴾ سَلَامٌ عَلَيْكُمْ بِمَا صَبَرْتُمْ فَنِعْمَ عُقْبَى الدَّارِ ﴿۲۴﴾ وَالَّذِينَ يَنْقُضُونَ عَهْدَ اللَّهِ مِنْ بَعْدِ مِيثَاقِهِ وَيَقْطَعُونَ مَا أَمَرَ اللَّهُ بِهِ أَنْ يُوصَلَ وَيُفْسِدُونَ فِي الْأَرْضِ أُولَئِكَ لَهُمُ اللَّعْنَةُ وَلَهُمْ سُوءُ الدَّارِ ﴿۲۵﴾

﴾23﴿ Jannaatu 'adiny yadkhu loonahaa wa man salaha min aabaaa'ihim wa azwaajihim wa zurriyyaatihim walmalaaa'i katu yadkhuloona 'alaihim min kulli baab
﴾24﴿ Salaamun 'alaikum bimaa sabartum; fani'ma 'uqbad daar
﴾25﴿ Wallazeena yanqudoona 'Ahdal laahi mim ba'di meesaaqihee wa yaqta'oona maaa amaral laahu biheee ai yoosala wa yufsidoona fil ardi ulaaa'ika lahumul la'natu wa lahum sooo'ud daar

﴾23﴿ Gardens of perpetual residence, which they will enter, along with those who were righteous among their fathers, their spouses, and their descendants. And the angels will enter upon them from every gate
﴾24﴿ (They will say,) Peace be upon you for what you patiently endured. So excellent is the final home of the Hereafter
﴾25﴿ But those who break the covenant of Allah after it has been established, and sever what Allah has commanded to be joined, and spread corruption on earth—for them is the curse, and they will have the worst abode