وَاعْلَمُوا 403 التوبة

بَرَاءَةٌ مِنَ اللَّهِ وَرَسُولِهِ إِلَى الَّذِينَ عَاهَدْتُمْ مِنَ الْمُشْرِكِينَ ﴿۱﴾

﴾1﴿ Baraaa'atum minal laahi wa Rasooliheee ilal lazeena 'aahattum minal mushrikeen

﴾1﴿ It is a declaration of separation from Allah and His Messenger to those with whom you have made a covenant, among the polytheists (and they have broken the covenant)

surah At Taubah
The Repentance

Relevancy: It is related to the previous surah in many ways. The first way is this: because in Surah Anfal the rule of jihad was stated, so in this surah there is a declaration of jihad - The second way is that Surah Anfal was merely a declaration of jihad. In this Surah, the groups with which jihad can be waged are mentioned -
Claim of this surah: Fighting with the polytheists and the People of the Book and waging jihad against the hypocrites, and this is mentioned six times in verses (123, 73, 36, 29, 14, 5) - and the issue of monotheism is mentioned at the end of the Surah -
Summary of the surah: There are four parts in this Surah. The first part mentions the battle of the polytheists, the second part mentions the battle of the People of the Book, the third part discusses the faults of the hypocrites, and the fourth part describes the qualities of the believers The first part is up to verse (28), in which three types of polytheists are mentioned, and the rejection of four obstacles to fighting is mentioned, and thirteen reasons for fighting are mentioned, and the encouragement to jihad is given -
Note: The first reason for not writing Bismillah at the beginning of this Surah is that Bismillah was not revealed at the beginning of this Surah. The second reason is the hadith of Uthman (may Allah be pleased with him) narrated by Tirmidhi and Abu Dawud, And the author of the Meshkat has mentioned on page (194) that the result is that bringing this Surah after Surah Anfal is a matter of ijtihad, due to the possibility that this Surah is preceded by a Surah, and for this reason, Bismillah was not written at the beginning of the Surah - And from the possibility that the Surah is independent, its name was written at the beginning of the Surah. Also, one of the reasons for not writing Bismillah is that Bismillah is for security, and this Surah is for keeping security away. The second reason is that if a line of declaration of war was sent to someone, it would not have Bismillah at the beginning -


[1] In this verse, the first group of polytheists is mentioned, which is called the Muharebeen, because they broke the covenant, and that is also included in it, because there was a non-negotiable covenant with them - And one of its rulings is exemption, and the meaning of exemption is to remove every kind of security and responsibility and to cut off every attachment, and it is stated in the verses (5, 12, 15, 17, 23, 28, 36, 73,113) -