وَإِذَا سَمِعُوا 296 الأنعام

وَلَوْ شَاءَ اللَّهُ مَا أَشْرَكُوا وَمَا جَعَلْنَاكَ عَلَيْهِمْ حَفِيظًا وَمَا أَنْتَ عَلَيْهِمْ بِوَكِيلٍ ﴿۱۰۷﴾ وَلَا تَسُبُّوا الَّذِينَ يَدْعُونَ مِنْ دُونِ اللَّهِ فَيَسُبُّوا اللَّهَ عَدْوًا بِغَيْرِ عِلْمٍ كَذَلِكَ زَيَّنَّا لِكُلِّ أُمَّةٍ عَمَلَهُمْ ثُمَّ إِلَى رَبِّهِمْ مَرْجِعُهُمْ فَيُنَبِّئُهُمْ بِمَا كَانُوا يَعْمَلُونَ ﴿۱۰۸﴾ وَأَقْسَمُوا بِاللَّهِ جَهْدَ أَيْمَانِهِمْ لَئِنْ جَاءَتْهُمْ آيَةٌ لَيُؤْمِنُنَّ بِهَا قُلْ إِنَّمَا الْآيَاتُ عِنْدَ اللَّهِ وَمَا يُشْعِرُكُمْ أَنَّهَا إِذَا جَاءَتْ لَا يُؤْمِنُونَ ﴿۱۰۹﴾ وَنُقَلِّبُ أَفْئِدَتَهُمْ وَأَبْصَارَهُمْ كَمَا لَمْ يُؤْمِنُوا بِهِ أَوَّلَ مَرَّةٍ وَنَذَرُهُمْ فِي طُغْيَانِهِمْ يَعْمَهُونَ ﴿۱۱۰﴾

﴾107﴿ Wa law shaaa'al laahu maaa ashrakoo; wa maa ja'alnaaka 'alaihim hafeezanw wa maaa anta 'alaihim biwakeel
﴾108﴿ Wa laa tasubbul lazeena yad'oona min doonil laahi fa yasubbul laaha 'adwam bighairi 'ilm; kazaalika zaiyannaa likulli ummatin 'amalahum summa ilaa Rabbihim marji'uhum fa yunabbi'uhum bimaa kaanoo ya'maloon
﴾109﴿ Wa aqsamoo billaahi jahda aimaanihim la'in jaaa'at hum Aayatul la yu'minunna bihaa; qul innamal Aayaatu 'indal laahi wa maa yush'irukum annahaaa izaa jaaa'at laa yu'minoon
﴾110﴿ Wa nuqallibu af'idatahum wa absaarahum kamaa lam yu'minoo biheee awwala marratinw wa nazaruhum fee tughyaanihim ya'mahoon

﴾107﴿ And if Allah the Almighty willed, they would not have committed polythism and we did not make you as their guardian and you are not responsible for them
﴾108﴿ And do not insult those who call these other than Allah the Exalted So they will curse Allah Almighty because of enmity without knowledge This is how we decorated their actions in the eyes of every nation then their coming is to their Lord, so let him know about the deeds they used to do
﴾109﴿ And they swore strong oaths to Allah, the Most High, that if a miracle of any kind came with them, indeed they would believe in it, say (authority) miracles are with Allah the Exalted, and what will happen to you if these miracles come and they do not believe
﴾110﴿ (Because) We will turn their hearts and their eyes (from the truth) as they did not believe in it the first time And we leave them wandering in their rebellion