َقَالَ فَمَا خَطْبُكُمْ 1278 الذَّارِيَات

فَأَخَذْنَاهُ وَجُنُودَهُ فَنَبَذْنَاهُمْ فِي الْيَمِّ وَهُوَ مُلِيمٌ ﴿۴۰﴾ وَفِي عَادٍ إِذْ أَرْسَلْنَا عَلَيْهِمُ الرِّيحَ الْعَقِيمَ ﴿۴۱﴾ مَا تَذَرُ مِنْ شَيْءٍ أَتَتْ عَلَيْهِ إِلَّا جَعَلَتْهُ كَالرَّمِيمِ ﴿۴۲﴾ وَفِي ثَمُودَ إِذْ قِيلَ لَهُمْ تَمَتَّعُوا حَتَّى حِينٍ ﴿۴۳﴾ فَعَتَوْا عَنْ أَمْرِ رَبِّهِمْ فَأَخَذَتْهُمُ الصَّاعِقَةُ وَهُمْ يَنْظُرُونَ ﴿۴۴﴾ فَمَا اسْتَطَاعُوا مِنْ قِيَامٍ وَمَا كَانُوا مُنْتَصِرِينَ ﴿۴۵﴾ وَقَوْمَ نُوحٍ مِنْ قَبْلُ إِنَّهُمْ كَانُوا قَوْمًا فَاسِقِينَ ﴿۴۶﴾ وَالسَّمَاءَ بَنَيْنَاهَا بِأَيْدٍ وَإِنَّا لَمُوسِعُونَ ﴿۴۷﴾

﴾40﴿ Fa akhaznaahu wa junoo dahoo fanabaznaahum fil yammi wa huwa muleem
﴾41﴿ Wa fee 'Aadin iz arsalnaa 'alaihimur reehal'aqeem
﴾42﴿ Maa tazaru min shai'in atat 'alaihi illaa ja'alat hu karrameem
﴾43﴿ Wa fee Samooda iz qeela lahum tamatta''oo hattaa heen
﴾45﴿ Fa'ataw 'an amri Rabbihim fa akhazat humus saa'iqatu wa hum yanzuroon
﴾46﴿ Wa qawma Noohim min qablu innahum kaano qawman faasiqeen
﴾47﴿ Wassamaaa'a banainaa haa bi aydinw wa innaa lamoosi'oon

﴾40﴿ So We seized him and his army and cast them into the sea, for he was blameworthy
﴾41﴿ And (a sign) in the case of the people of ‘Ad, when We sent upon them a barren wind
﴾42﴿ It did not leave anything it passed over except that it turned it into scattered dust-like bones
﴾43﴿ And (a sign) in the case of the Thamud, when it was said to them, Enjoy yourselves for a little while
﴾44﴿ But they disobeyed the command of their Lord, so the mighty blast seized them while they were looking on
﴾45﴿ So they were unable to stand, nor were they avenged
﴾46﴿ And We destroyed the people of Noah before them; indeed, they were a rebellious people
﴾47﴿ And We built the heaven with strength, and indeed, We are its expander