ْقَالَ أَلَمْ 707 الکهف

قَالَ أَمَّا مَنْ ظَلَمَ فَسَوْفَ نُعَذِّبُهُ ثُمَّ يُرَدُّ إِلَى رَبِّهِ فَيُعَذِّبُهُ عَذَابًا نُكْرًا ﴿۸۷﴾ وَأَمَّا مَنْ آمَنَ وَعَمِلَ صَالِحًا فَلَهُ جَزَاءً الْحُسْنَى وَسَنَقُولُ لَهُ مِنْ أَمْرِنَا يُسْرًا ﴿۸۸﴾ ثُمَّ أَتْبَعَ سَبَبًا ﴿۸۹﴾ حَتَّى إِذَا بَلَغَ مَطْلِعَ الشَّمْسِ وَجَدَهَا تَطْلُعُ عَلَى قَوْمٍ لَمْ نَجْعَلْ لَهُمْ مِنْ دُونِهَا سِتْرًا ﴿۹۰﴾ كَذَلِكَ وَقَدْ أَحَطْنَا بِمَا لَدَيْهِ خُبْرًا ﴿۹۱﴾ ثُمَّ أَتْبَعَ سَبَبًا ﴿۹۲﴾

﴾87﴿ Qaala amma man zalama fasawfa nu'azzibuhoo summa yuraddu ilaa Rabbihee fa yu 'azzibuhoo azaaban nukraa
﴾88﴿ Wa ammaa man aamana wa 'amila saalihan falahoo jazaaa'anil husnaa wa sanaqoolu lahoo min amrinaa yusraa
﴾89﴿ Summa atba'a sababaa
﴾90﴿ Hattaaa izaa balagha matli'ash shamsi wajdahaa tatlu'u alaa qawmil lam naj'al lahum min doonihaa sitraa
﴾91﴿ Kazaalika wa qad ahatnaa bimaa ladaihi khubraa
﴾92﴿ Summa atba'a sababaa

﴾87﴿ He said, But as for the one who remains in oppression (shirk), We will soon punish him (in this world), then he will be returned to his Lord (after death), and He will punish him with a severe punishment
﴾88﴿ But as for the one who believes and acts according to the tradition, for him is the reward of Paradise, and We will surely guide him to the easy path in matters of his religion
﴾89﴿ Then he set out on another path
﴾90﴿ Until, when he reached the place of the sun's rising, he found it rising upon a people for whom We had provided no shelter against it
﴾91﴿ Thus it was (he dealt with them as with the previous people), and indeed We had encompassed whatever was with him in knowledge
﴾92﴿ Then he set out on another path