سُبْحَانَ الذِيٍ 676 بنی اسرائیل

وَيَخِرُّونَ لِلْأَذْقَانِ يَبْكُونَ وَيَزِيدُهُمْ خُشُوعًا۩ ࣛ ﴿۱۰۹﴾ قُلِ ادْعُوا اللَّهَ أَوِ ادْعُوا الرَّحْمَنَ أَيًّا مَا تَدْعُوا فَلَهُ الْأَسْمَاءُ الْحُسْنَى وَلَا تَجْهَرْ بِصَلَاتِكَ وَلَا تُخَافِتْ بِهَا وَابْتَغِ بَيْنَ ذَلِكَ سَبِيلًا ﴿۱۱۰﴾ وَقُلِ الْحَمْدُ لِلَّهِ الَّذِي لَمْ يَتَّخِذْ وَلَدًا وَلَمْ يَكُنْ لَهُ شَرِيكٌ فِي الْمُلْكِ وَلَمْ يَكُنْ لَهُ وَلِيٌّ مِنَ الذُّلِّ وَكَبِّرْهُ تَكْبِيرًا ﴿۱۱۱﴾

﴾109﴿ Wa yakhirroona lil azqaani yabkoona wa yazeeduhum khushoo'aa (make sajda)
﴾110﴿ Qulid'ul laaha awid'ur Rahmaana ayyam maa tad'oo falahul asmaaa'ul Husnaa; wa laa tajhar bi Salaatika wa laa tukhaafit bihaa wabtaghi baina zaalika sabeela
﴾111﴿ lam yattakhiz waladanw wa lam yakul lahoo shareekun fil mulki wa lam yakul lahoo waliyyum minaz zulli wa kabbirhu takbeeraaj

﴾109﴿ And they fall on their chins, weeping, and it adds humility to them
﴾110﴿ Say, Call upon Allah or call upon the Most Merciful. Whichever you call upon, to Him belong the best names. And do not recite your prayers loudly, nor recite them too quietly, but seek a way between those extremes
﴾111﴿ And say, All attributes of divinity belong exclusively to Allah, the Exalted, who has not taken a son, has no partner in His sovereignty, and has no helper due to any weakness. So glorify His greatness with due glorification