رُبَمَاٍ 00 الحجر

﴾78﴿ Wa in kaana Ashaabul Aikati lazaalimeen
﴾79﴿ Fantaqamnaa minhum wa innahumaa labi imaamim mubeen
﴾80﴿ Wa laqad kazzaba ashaabul Hijril mursaleen
﴾81﴿ Wa aatainaahum Aayaatinaa fakaanoo 'anhaa mu'rideen
﴾82﴿ Wa kaanoo yanhitoona minal jibaali buyootan aamineen
﴾83﴿ Fa akhazat humus saihatu musbiheen
﴾84﴿ Famaaa aghnaa 'anhum maa kaanoo yaksiboon

﴾78﴿ And indeed, the inhabitants of the gardens were wrongdoers
﴾79﴿ So We took retribution from them, and indeed, both of these communities are on a well-known path
﴾80﴿ And indeed, the people of Al-Hijr denied the messengers
﴾81﴿ And We had given them signs, but they turned away from them
﴾82﴿ And they used to carve out dwellings from the mountains, feeling secure
﴾83﴿ So the awful cry seized them in the morning
﴾84﴿ So what they used to do did not avert the punishment from them